A tenant of lean thinking is that all learning and value creation happens at the Gemba. Providing a learning experience that connects traditional, classroom-based learning with Gemba learning is key to achieving the goals of the JPW Fund.
The JPW Fund and the school partner will identify a local community-based service organization or charity to serve as the learning Gemba for teachers and students. The organization shall have a clear purpose (how it serves the local community in need) and operational and service delivery problem to solve.

We are looking to work with community organizations who will commit to the following activities and behaviors:
Leaders, managers, and staff who are willing to dedicate the time needed to learn and actively engage in improving the work,
Learn and apply LEI’s co-learning partnership approach to identify and solve problems, improve the work, develop capability, openness to executive coaching, etc. (to learn more see about this approach visit CoLearningPartners),
Document results and the improvement in people’s lives, and
Willingness to tell their story.
If you are a community-based organization and would like to learn more about how to participate in the JPW Fund learning experience, please contact us at jpwfund.org/contact
Two New Community Service Projects with Oakland University

Humble Design serves individuals, families, and veterans emerging from homelessness by transforming their empty house into a warm, welcoming and uplifting home with donated furniture and household goods.

The program will reach over 100 high school students in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).
There are multiple components to the sessions, including:
Hands-on, tool orientation
Lean/Continuous Improvement exercises
Ergonomics using simulation tools
Product Life Cycle Management
Manufacturing Systems Simulation